I brushed my hesitation and pumped my heart
Five years of patience was to burst at last
I summoned all courage and made my mind
A soft prayer once more and called her this time.
She was busy attending to her room after a month
That neglect had filled as examinations thumped
But was keen as I called her and answered swift
I heart her soft voice and skipped a heart beat.
A monthful of moments I had prepared my speech
Of how my proposal should sound proper and cliché
But dumbfounded now over the phone by her voice
And we talked about a friend recovering in Chennai.
We talked of the past, those tuition days
We talked of the future, only career sense
How could I slip in the prosperous news
She spoke so routine whilst I was braying like a moose.
Had I been nuts to speak out my heart
I hung up my phone after sweet regards
A moment of ease and then further uneasiness
Deceit, I felt, would kill me further if I wait.
So I called again and told her straight
I called you not to inquire about that mate
But to let you know how much I was in love
Only to tell you that you’re my only crush.
A long silence thundered volumes more than words
I repeated to let her know again, if I had been overheard
And she replied, We’ve always been good friends
But it’s early enough, though friends we will remain.
Thank you, that’s all I ask of you my friend
And proud and reassured that you are the same
You’ve been such a great inspiration, oh dear
In awe of your beauty and duty, a debt I bear
Which I wish to repay through humble offerings.
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